domenica 25 marzo 2018

Diplomata al primo liceo artistico e all'Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma. Dopo gli studi ho continuato la ricerca pittorica ad olio, prediligendo colori luminosi e pennellata materica. Da sempre appassionata di fumetto e animazione, nel 1996 ho iniziato a lavorare alla colorazione di scenografie di cartoni animati, anche come supervisore al colore. Dal 1998 sono stata docente del corso di Manga presso la Scuola Romana dei Fumetti, docente di tecniche di chiaroscuro e di colorazione digitale presso la Scuola Internazionale di Comics e in altre realtà didattiche romane come Officine B5. Dal 2010 sono membro del gruppo Sketchcrawl Roma. In queste periodiche uscite in gruppo ho ritrovato il piacere di disegnare e dipingere dal vero, all'aperto. Ho approfondito la tecnica dell'acquerello in un linguaggio personale che mi permette di rappresentare quello che amo di più: la tridimensionalità attraverso accordi tra luci e ombre colorate e trasparenti.

Da tre anni tengo lezioni di acquerello en plein air nei parchi di Roma, prediligendo la rappresentazione della vegetazione, che ho approfondito nel mio lavoro di scenografa. Quest'anno ho continuato le lezioni anche in inverno, in ambienti chiusi, aspettando la primavera per poter tornare ai miei amati parchi!

Qui troverete ulteriori informazioni:

lunedì 12 marzo 2018

Welcome to the Roma Urban Sketchers

We are thrilled to create this as a space where urban sketchers in Rome or visiting Rome can share, interact and stay up to date on the latest upcoming events, news and share stories from around the city.
As we develop this site we hope to be able to add more contributing members and their stories and sketches of Rome.

Ongoing in 2018 Rome is once again participating in the Urban Sketchers 10 x 10 workshops. We are offering sketching workshops by 6 instructors all around the city from March through October in various subjects and mediums.

You can see the entire list of workshops and teachers  by clicking here. For registration details and payment please contact the teacher.

In this series you have the option to take just 1 class, a series of classes and days or to register for the whole kit and caboodle and are priced accordingly, including a discount for students.
The workshop topics, dates and instructors are as follows:

Benedetta Dossi - Carnet de Voyage
this is an ongoing series of sketching workshops focusing on composition, sketching in museums, people in places, telling a story through history and much more.
Dates for her workshop are:
March 3, 4, 10, 17, 18, 24, 25, & 31
Find out more about Benedetta and her workshop here.
For questions please contact:

Luca Marini - Perspective for Beginners
this is a great opportunity to refresh and hone your perspective drawing skills or to learn the rules from the beginning.
Dates for this workshop are:
April 7, 8
Find out more about Luca and what you will learn in this workshop here.
For questions please contact:

Elisabetta Mitrovich - Nature Sketchbooks
An exploration to get know and learn how to sketch the wildlife of the city.
Dates for her workshop are:
April 14, 20, 26, 27
October 7,14
Find out more about Elisabetta and her workshop here

Eva Villa- Vegetazione urbana, disegno ed acquerello en plein air
Great opportunity to sketch historical gardens and medieval cloisters.
Dates for her workshop are:
May 5
October 6
Find out more about Eva and her workshop here.
For questions please contact:

Sonia Cipollari - Sketching Rome in black and white
An ongoing series of sketching workshops focusing on the use of different drawing tools.
Dates for her workshop are:
May 12, 19, 20, 26, 27
June 3
September 15, 22
Find out more about Sonia and her workshop here.
For questions please contact:

Kelly Medford - Capturing the Light of Rome in Watercolor
Learn to use watercolor boldly and quickly to capture the light of Rome. For a range of all levels of watercolor ability, this workshop focuses on values, light and color.
Dates for her workshop are:
September 1, 2, 8, 9
Find out more about Kelly and her workshop here.
For questions please contact: